Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mati Cesaretti [Fire Kings] - YGOrganization Tournament 3 [5th Place]

Mati Cesaretti [Fire Kings] - YGOrganization Tournament 3 [5th Place]
  2- Fire King High Avatar Garunix
3- Fire King Avatar Barong
3- Fire King Avatar Yaksha
3- Coach Soldier Wolfbark
2- Swift Scarecrow
2- Card Trooper
3- Onslaught of the Fire Kings
3- Circle of the Fire Kings
3- Mystical Space Typhoon
3- Fire Formation - Tenki
3- Upstart Goblin
3- Rekindling
1- Compulsory Evacuation Device
2- Call of the Haunted
1- Torrential Tribute
1- Solemn Warning
2- Generation Shift
2- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
3- Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight
1- Maestroke, the Symphony Djinn
2- Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1- Number 85: Crazy Box
2- Bujintei Kagutsuchi
1- Diamond Dire Wolf
1- Gagaga Cowboy
2- Abyss Dweller
  2- Imperial Iron Wall
3- Dust Tornado
2- Overworked
2- Skill Drain
2- Debunk
3- Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua
2- D.D. Crow
Also if you have YGOPro/DevPro
You can download the Deck file from this link


  1. i think using Card Trooper was a little bit weird but i understand that with Generation Shift on main deck

    1. With 2 Exciton/3 Shark Knight & 3 Ccarayhua, you can say that he wanted to nuke the field every turn xD
