Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fire King Deck List [Post LVAL]

This an old buildCheck my Latest Build from the link down below
Fire Kings [Wolfbark Build] - January 2014 [Pre-Primal]

 3- Fire King High Avatar Garunix
3- Fire King Avatar Barong
3- Fire King Avatar Yaksha
1- Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
1- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
 1- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar
2- Coach Soldier Wolfbark
2- Effect Veiler
3- Onslaught of the Fire Kings
3- Circle of the Fire Kings
3- Mystical Space Typhoon
3- Fire Formation - Tenki
1- Book of Moon
1- Rekindling
1- Dark Hole
1- Compulsory Evacuation Device
1- Bottomless Trap Hole
1- Torrential Tribute
1- Solemn Warning
3- Fiendish Chain
2- Mirror Force
2- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
1-  Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight
1- Maestroke, the Symphony Djinn
1- Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1- Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1- Bujintei Kagutsuchi
1- Diamond Dire Wolf
1- Gem-Knight Pearl
1- Steelswarm Roach
1- Gagaga Cowboy
1- Lavalval Chain
2- Abyss Dweller
1- Crimson Blader
2- Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror 
2- Imperial Iron Wall
2- DNA Surgery
2- Skill Drain
3- Debunk
1- Twister
2- Fencing Fire Ferret
1- D.D. Crow


  1. my suggestions are to drop the veilers to add another Bear and Mind Control ^_^

    1. I think 2-3 Hand Traps in the future "Fire King" Decks should be more than just an option. I'm still working on my main'd "Skill Drain" version & maybe i'll post it this week after few tests and it's the only version with no Hand Traps.
      I know that "Boar" sometimes may seem like a dead draw but there's always "Blaster" & "Wolfbark".
      About "Mind Control" still thinking about it. i guess the best move is to -1 "Fiendish Chain" for it.

  2. Keen to see your Skill Drain Variant.

    Just wondering about the 1 Twister in your Side Deck. Wouldn't it better to put something with a bit more "power" like Epidemic Eradicator Virus? Seems a bit wasted with only 1 in the Side Deck.

    1. I didn't have Crazy Box back then, but now i will definitely find a room for it in my extra at least til i put my hands on that exciton xD. About Twister/Dust Tornado still confused about it and i need more rl test.
