Tuesday, January 21, 2014

TCG vs. OCG Banned Monsters

TCG vs. OCG Banned Monsters
TCG 31 Banned Monsters
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
 It's generic, it's a dragon and it's the best LV 9 Synchro and it can win games.
True, it can rock your world (not just the field) but there aren't many decks able to run lv 9 Synchros.
You use at least 3 monsters to summon it taking the risk of getting punished by cards like Solemn Warning, Black Horn of Heaven, Fiendish Chain and even Effect Veiler (many decks run it now).
It was banned due to Infernity loop nowadays the deck was evolved and started depending on Xyz.
Honestly the ONLY decks that can synchro it easily are considered a tier 3 (except mermails and Madolches next format)
The Agents
Tour Guide from the Underworld + Genex Ally Birdman + T.G Warewolf
Genex Ally Birdman + Venus
T.G Striker + Venus
(Well, Birdman is Limited)
Diva + Marksman into Dragoon
Genex Undine Version
(Well, Diva and Dragoons are Limited)
T.G Striker + Hootcake into Messengelato
Bora + Shura into Vayu
Bora + Blizzard into Kalut
Six Samurai
Kizan + Kageki into Kagemusha

People still complaining about the "Not Targeting" thing but isn't the same problem you're looking to solve when it comes to Bujins...it's way too easy to summon (at least not splashable like Shark/Knight) and is way too powerful for its cost (by looking to this set 5 go format) it will have an impact but not that broken one.
Number 16: Shock Master
Shock Master is a great card but I don't think it was banworthy by any means It's not as splashable as other Rank 4 Xyz monster. Actually the only deck that may have a great adv of running this card is Thunder Family, and since Limiting it wouldn't do much as most players don't run more than 1 to begin with (Most of them Xyz it in R2 and lock you or finish you by calling monster eff just in case of Gorz, Swift scarecrow....) that may lead us to that derpy conversation: cards that say ["sorry, you can't play Yugioh because you happen to use a certain deck" shouldn't exist in the game.] but also decks that only rely on 1 card shouldn't exist like: exodia, Spellbooks, Dark World.... i realize 1st turn shock wins duels against many decks but that goes to show that decks needed more diversity which this format provides.

Elemental Hero Stratos
Stratos allows hero decks to be more consistent and gives them a way to generate advantage, true we lost monster reborn and let's be honest Call of the Haunted is not the same. The Problem with HEROes started after the release of A Hero Lives that allowed Bubbleman OTK (TCG) / LOCK (ShockLock OCG) but i guess Konami of Japan found a better solution in my opinion by Limiting Bubbleman while our company decided to put it in position of Deck Destruction, Gateway, Spellbook of Judgment...
Many similar cards exist at 3 with no problems like  Madolche Magileine, Machina Fortress, Chronomaly Nebra Disk... Yes. I understand that Stratos is the Best Searcher the ability to use it's eff on Normal, Special Summon is more than just great and unlike the mentioned searchers, and on top of that it has the Backrow Hit eff but we use it once in 100 duels lulz.

Cyber Stein
Stein's main purpose was to summon a Cyber End Dragon, or Cyber Twin Dragon and pump the fusion up with Limiter Removal. It can go to 3 very easily just like Tsukuyomi. The 5K cost is too damn high Warning, Bottomless, Effect Veiler, Fiendish, Breakthrough Skill all shut it leaving you with 3K LP in best scenario. Then there's battle phase Traps like Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison... This Card can be searched easily in Machine Biased Dcks thanks to Gear Gigant X but using it in Geargia won't make any sense because the deck OTK anyway and willing to pay 5K in Gadgets is just a foolish death.

OCG 28 Banned Monsters
Magician of Faith
 Guys, you know i respect all cards so i'll try to not make fun on this great card.
It's a f***ing Flip eff Monster with 400, it's not like Geargiarmor!
It doesn't work on normal summon like Blue Boy!
so hell let's discuss it O.O
when it comes to OCG, they still have broken cards like Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm...(according to the February Banlist more chances to OTK too) so i understand the fear of having another broken. plus Spellbook didn't get hit by Konami so no need to give the deck another option. with that been said i can see this card doing fine at 1 in OCGLand.
Now when it comes to TCG, it's a different story. no broken spells, Spellbooks doing fine with 1 Fate and 0 Faith so why this card didn't go to 3. after all i thought Tsukuyomi was a great lesson for us -_-

Feel free to agree/disagree


  1. I remember Trishula being a "win condition" in Agents when it was legal in the TCG. I pulled off some great comebacks with a Birdman and Venus.

    1. One of my friends play agents and for him it's a dream xD

  2. this is my point of view about trishula: Kill yourself, die today death to you Trish die. i don't fucking want you to comeback. i want carrier zenmaighty to comeback.

    1. Wow harsh man. Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity was all kinds of silly as well.

    2. 3 TGU around, i'll say keep dreaming. You should bless Kevin for limiting Magician not Shark xD, and about the Trish thing should i LOL? words like that coming from a duelist that use deck known by the Hunter Hand Loop and Magician Shock Lock xD

  3. at least our banned list didn't kill decks like dragunity TCG Players

    1. Yea I have a mate who plays pure Dragunity and doesn't keep up with tournaments much. He saw the ban list and had a rage quit cause he didn't understand why Dragon Ravine was suddenly banned. Then I showed him Dragunity Rulers...

    2. Both TCG & OCG list ruined the game but just not that much xD

  4. Well, TCG banlist definitely ruined my Hero deck. I'll just wait until stratos comes back to 1 - no more, no less, just 1.

  5. TCG banlist has definitely ruined my Hero deck permanently. I'll just wait until Stratos comes back to 1. until then, I'll keep playing on Devpro using OCG banlist.

    1. There's a new Structure Deck coming and it will "bring a new life" to an old archetype, Championship-level from GX Era... maybe D/E-HEROes. maybe our Konami will take a deep look this summer.
