Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top 10: Which cards should come back?

Make sure to check my posts about: TCG vs. OCG Banlist
TCG vs. OCG Banned Monsters
TCG vs. OCG Limited Monsters
It's a PERSONAL opinion made by me from
My own perspective to the current meta
The people that keep complaining
The end of the Xyz era
The konami lulz
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Thousand-Eyes Restirct
I think unbanning this card could be the perfect answer from TCG about  its Ban Ban Policy.
It may push Decks like Monarch/instant Fusion build. Also, it's a better version of cards like Soul Taker allowing you to get around things that normally can't be destroyed easily (Stardust, ARK, Beelze....). on top of that we're sure that this card won't be splashable.

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 When was the last time Konami unbanned a Spell Card? it was on
A second Fusion support card on top of my list! maybe because after banning Future Fusion followed by Stratos f**ked the Fusion mechanic (i'm sure you Gem-Knights with 1 Rescue Rabbit still a thing lol).
Now here's the poblem with this card, actually 2 problems!
LV 10 monsters can be normal/special summoned easily today: Tragoedia, Night Express Knight...and going to a card like: Naturia Exterio, Cyber End Dragon may cause Locks/OTKs.
Same thing with LV 7 monsters like: The Last Warrior from another Planet. 

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Witch of the Black Forest
She can search almost 65%, best one are DAD, Monarchs... but she's way to slow in todays game
Most decks have their own searcher so no one is going to place it into Fire Fist, Mermails, or any top tier deck (well, noobs can do that but this is not our sudject)
Inzektors may depend on it, but Monk > Arma Knight still better.
Card should be at 3 tbh.

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Tribe-Infecting Virus  
The bad thing about its eff is that you can use it repeatedly as long as you can keep paying the cost and it may give Merlanteans an extra boost (if the deck didn't get hit again).
DNA Surgery is a thing and it's spalshable in every side deck.

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Trishula, Dragon Ruler of Ice Barrier

No need to say it again
Juts Check this Post

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Dark Magician of Chaos

I think unbanning this card won't happened (trust the card is bad and it may see plays in spellbooks only), it's just that Konami just unbanned a Spellcaster Type monster and i have a feeling that we're gonna see it at July banlist cuz 85% Pendulum Summon could be from the deck, the ancient main deck not the current extra main deck -_-

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Elemental HERO Stratos 
 Don't get me wrong this is my 1st choice in my wishlist so it's kinda lucky number 7.
 We expected this card to make a comeback the last banlist but we got Magician of Faith -_-.
OCG fixed the Bubblebeat problem by limiting E-HERO Bubbleman and i think Konami of America will keep this card banned to justify the E-HERO power creep.

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Its OTKs decks are inconsistent (Cyber OTK - Fenix OTK....)
It can only be searched by Gear Gigant X but still Geargia Karakuri can OTK anyway.
I think Cyber Structure Deck will be released next week so no need to give the Machine-Type an extra boost besides TCG won't copy the latest OCG move.

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Heavy Storm
Artifacts will love this card and the release date of Primal Origin could be on the 2nd week of April (Coincidence, i think not)

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Destiny HERO - Disk Commander
Remind me why this card still banned again?
Pinpoint Guard, Call of the Haunted abuse?
maybe Chaos Piper could jump to Tier 3 Finally lol