Thursday, February 27, 2014

TOP 10: Decks that Douchebags like to play

My Top 10 List of this week is going to be about this specific kind of duelists we all like to call them "The Douche bags" and their fvr decks (don't get me wrong i don't mean that all those decks are only used by douche bags but most of them like to play those decks and that's a huge difference)

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Exodia Obliterate! Yeah it was cool when yugi said it the first time.
What i hate most about the player who use Exodia deck besides the 2nd turn rage quit (God how i miss Shock Master) is that s/he get so hype like s/he never won a duel before and start talking about the heart of the cards after drawing 40.

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Final Countdown
Probably its the most hated alt win condition not just because it takes 20 turns to achieve but also because it has no interest in reading your opponent Hand/field. all you need to have is a Plan B in case s/he MST a Stall Trap or something. Thank God it's Limited now along with Gold Sarcophagus.

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Herald of Perfection
The Ultimate version of Light and Darkness Dragon. It's the only monster that you need to switch it to ATK just to win the duel. Playing vs. it in the Xyz is getting harder everyday because unlike Synchro we've 3K ATK beater that can take it down easily in battle without losing your resources. it's the only deck where Dark Factory of Mass Production is actually good.

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Chain Burn
The troll deck of all time. i know that almost non burn player hate this deck and consider them cowards cuz they no interest in using their own Battle Phase and on top of that the deck itself is trolling during your Battle Phase. and didn't you notice that whenever you play vs. a burn deck you always drew Solemn Warning like paying 2000 is gonna help me (maybe i'll take that risk to negate Battle Fader and go for game).

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Gustraken Loop
Most TCG Player didn't know a thing about this combo because at the realse time Gustkraken was already Limited and i think Hieratic Seal of Convocation was Limited/Semi not sure about that. So if you're familiar with Wind-Up hand Loop, guess what! this one is worst; just because it leave you with no grave unlike the WU loop.

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Empty Jar
This is the HARDEST one to make because you need the luck of an Irish to make it work but if you did it once you can do it multiple times and it's one of the reason why Book of Moon still limited (just to not collect the piece of this combo faster)

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Nurse Burn
Now this could be an actual funny deck to play against. i mean if you didn't already lose in the 2nd turn. This b**** + Bad Reaction to Simochi serve the same purpose which is giving you Gift Cards. It's basically the only deck where cards like Upstart Goblin and Soul Taker are really good. The best thing about this deck is that you can take it down easily by Veilering the s*** out of this w**** or by MST the Bad Reaction trap and getting the +3K LP and typing that smile :3 probably your opponent won't see it because "Burn Player" like to rage quit.

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Dark World
Dark Worlds shouldn't be created as an archetype!
Now every new douche bag/duelist may think himself a pro just after using DW not just cuz of Draw, Draw, Pop, Pop, Summon, Summon but also because of the Skill Drain and Virus Trap Cards Lock. on top of that you will never see a DW Player asking for a match when it comes to dueling online.

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Before we start talking about this, let's be honest the Xyz version is less complicated/annoying than the synchro one. Oh god i remember back in the day when launcher was at 3 and even after solving that problem, Trishula appeared to give them another boost. I think it was the first deck that changes a lot of terms in Yugioh like the Main deck (actually it's the Extra Deck), searching is better than drawing & Hand Advantage (Zero like always) and after taking 20 min to finish your turn, and revealing all your set/future moves. guess what? your opponent won't be able to do anything.

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or as we like to call it the Poke deck. it's the annoying version of Gadgets because it depends on draining your opponent backrow and keep defending SORL (i think its the only deck where Swords of Revealing Light is a thing) and even if you wasted your MST on cards like it, there's always Messenger of Peace, Threatening Roar and Waboku and the **** may get scary if your Opponent attacked with Highest ATK monster and you activated Magic Cylinder out of nowhere. One more thing that make the deck so annoying is making the best 90$ monster so useless.

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